Updating an AkashaCMS site to use Bootstrap v4.3.x

Date: Mon Feb 25 2019

Bootstrap v4 has been out for a long time, and it's high time we here in the AkashaCMS project moved forward. I've just gone through the exercise of converting akashacms.com to use Bootstrap v4, and should therefore document what I had to do. It wasn't terribly hard but I think it was harder than necessary, and will study how to streamline the process.

The first step is to bring in the experimental branch of akashacms-theme-bootstrap. This plugin provides useful partial-template overrides to make things look nicer when Bootstrap is available. For the moment to get the Bootstrap v4 version, reference the bootstrapv4 branch from the repository using this in your package.json:

"akashacms-theme-bootstrap": "akashacms/akashacms-theme-bootstrap#bootstrapv4",

Since this plugin does not bring in the Bootstrap code, you must do so yourself.

Again in package.json use the following:

"jquery": "^3.3.x",
"bootstrap": "^4.3.x",
"popper.js": ">=1.14.x",

Bootstrap v4 depends not just on jQuery but Popper, and this brings in the current version npm packages of each as of this writing. I prefer downloading the npm packages rather than relying on the CDN associated with each project.

Since Bootstrap v4 does not have built-in icons, it is also useful to bring in one of the icon libraries. I prefer the Fontawesome library, and you can load the npm package in package.json as so:

"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.7.2"

In config.js you can mount each of these directories so they'll appear in the rendered directory:

        src: 'node_modules/bootstrap/dist',
        dest: 'vendor/bootstrap'
        src: 'node_modules/jquery/dist',
        dest: 'vendor/jquery'
         src: 'node_modules/popper.js/dist',
         dest: 'vendor/popper.js'
          src: 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/',
          dest: 'vendor/fontawesome-free'

Each of these will appear in the corresponding directory under /vendor.

To load the associated CSS and JavaScript, add this in config.js:

        href: "/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"
        href: "/vendor/popper.js/umd/popper.min.js"
        href: "/vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"
        href: "/vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"
        href: "/pulse.min.css"
        href: "/style.css"
        href: "/vendor/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css"

In your layout template add these declaratives as usual:


Between the config.js declarations and these declaratives, we cause the corresponding CSS and JavaScript files to be loaded. The pulse.min.css file comes from the Pulse theme on the Bootswatch website. In style.css is custom styling for akashacms.com.

We should be almost done at this point, but it took me a long time to wrangle out all the kinks.

The steps involved:

  • Editing each layout template to use Bootstrap v4 classes
  • Editing each partial template to use Bootstrap v4 classes
  • Going over every page type to verify the site is still useful
  • Convert any glyphicon references to the icon set you've chosen

For example <span class="fas fa-js"></span> is supported by the Fontawesome library to produce this icon:

And it can do other things like:

And these

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