Since the last news in February, I had the crazy idea to repurpose AkashaCMS to support building EPUB's. That's now finished, and a guidebook has been written.
One day in February I woke up with an idea to build EPUB files using AkashaCMS, and use that to construct the books I want to write. I didn't know anything about EPUB other than the vague idea that it's a bundle of HTML files. However, within 5 days I had read enough of the EPUB specifications, looked through enough sample EPUB's, and written enough code, to know how to generate EPUB's and had managed to generate a couple sample EPUB's.
This is a testament to AkashaCMS's flexibility that it could be so quickly adapted to a task that's so different from generating a website.
The selling points for AkashaEPUB are that it's a fairly simple way to build an electronic book using programmer-friendly tools. This is just like how AkashaCMS makes it easy to build a website using a regular programmers editor, AkashaEPUB lets one write a book in a regular programmers editor.
An AkashaEPUB book is an AkashaCMS workspace with a few small tweaks. The biggest being the akashacms-epub plugin, which does all the heavy lifting of building the EPUB. The other is that AkashaEPUB builds must be done with grunt
and not with the akashacms
command-line tool.
There are two complete EPUB workspaces for AkashaEPUB currently:
- -- is a guidebook on using AkashaEPUB
- -- is a skeleton EPUB meant to be your starting point for building an EPUB