Pages can be JSON data, and can declare CSS and JS files

Date: Sat May 09 2015

Pages can now be written as JSON data, that's formatted through a partial into HTML. Pages can now declare their own CSS or JavaScript files.

These were two long-standing wish-list items that were just implemented. While not ground-breaking, each of these items fill in base-line useful features.

JSON formated content documents

The idea is that sometimes we want to supply some data, rather than normal content, to format as a webpage. The first go-around of this idea is to support JSON data.

layout: default.html.ejs
title: JSON example
JSONFormatter: json-format.html.ejs
    "Row1": "value 1",
    "Row2": "value 2",
    "Row3": "value 3"

As you see, the content body is straight-up JSON. The JSON is immediately processed by the partial named in JSONFormatter to produce HTML that's then rendered as a page through the normal AkashaCMS process.

See Creating content with AkashaRender

Per-page CSS and JavaScript

It's often desirable to put custom CSS and JavaScript on a page. That's now very easy, with the following document metadata instructions:

  - href: /extra.css
    media: screen
  - href: /extraTop.js
  - href: /extraBottom.js

See Creating content with AkashaRender

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