AkashaCMS-Embeddables overhaul, huge simplification

Date: Wed Jun 28 2017

The akashacms-embeddables plugin has long been a sore thumb, being overly complicated in part because of the wide variety of methods for embedding content from other sites. It may seem utterly simple when you paste a URL into a Facebook or Twitter status message, or a Wordpress blog post, and voila the embedded HTML snippet automatically pops up. Under the covers certain kinds of magic is done with oEmbed and OpenGraph protocols. A couple years ago when I started the akashacms-embeddables plugin that stuff either was immature, or I didn't understand it, or didn't know about it, or something, but the initial versions of the plugin didn't take advantage of those protocols, and instead had lots of special casing and hard-coded understanding of how to construct a Twitter iframe.

Now that the new AkashaRender-based system is published, I wanted to take the opportunity to clean up the akashacms-embeddables plugin. I've found a pair of packages that make retrieving oEmbed and OpenGraph data very nice and easy.

The overhaul of akashacms-embeddables landed in version 0.6.2

After a fair amount of study of packages in npm related to oEmbed and OpenGraph, I have these observations:

  • The oembetter package seems to be the best of those that perform oEmbed lookups.
  • The url-embed and Metaphor packages claim to search out all kinds of extra information and jump high hurdles for you. I'm not impressed. With a slideshare.net URL, url-embed failed to get useful information. With the Metaphor package, the data object is interesting but in the end not useful.
  • The meta-extractor package does a great job of extracting metadata from OpenGraph and Twitter Cards metadata.

But, you're asking, what does this mean for using the akashacms-embeddables plugin? Glad you asked.

The embedding functionality has been boiled down to one custom tag:

<embed-resource href="https://twitter.com/AkashaCMS/status/565602061681971200"/>

Which renders should render the tweet but there's a problem.

This custom tag works for any URL for which oEmbed and/or OpenGraph returns data. The algorithm consults oEmbed, OpenGraph and Twitter Cards for metadata. Between those three sources lots of data is available.

The old akashacms-embeddables had a couple dozen custom tags each embedding specific things. As they say, one should strive to make things as simple as possible, and no simpler than that. How do we handle those dozens of use-cases with one custom tag?

  1. The custom tag produces a regularized set of data
  2. The custom tag takes a template= attribute letting you customize what the custom tag does

That last bit is key. Have a specific need? Use a different template.

With no template= attribute the embed-resource does what had been implemented in the simple-embed custom tag, which is to simply output the HTML embed code retrieved by oEmbed. The twitter-embed and slideshare-embed tags had simply done that, for example, raising the question of why we had separate custom tags for those two sources. Why not present one API in the embed-resource tag?

With the embed-resource-framed.html.ejs template, embed-resource performs what had been the framed-embed tag. This template displays extra information such as the description or title. Another template, embed-thumbnail.html.ejs, replaces the embed-thumbnail and youtube-thumbnail and vimeo-thumbnail tags, and simply displays the image announced via oEmbed/OpenGraph data.

You're of course free to implement your desired template. What you need to know is the data that's provided.

Rather than replicate the documentation here, see: AskashaCMS Embeddables plugin documentation

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